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Avoid act rashly and alert the enemy .relationresultSay the word,Takahashi Masa seemed to feel a sense of relief ,long breathed a sigh of relief ,squat down ,sit on the ground ,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online,weak riveted on the head ,also do not know what I was thinking .
relationresultInform the investigation group summer officer to come here ! Wang Bao face became very serious ,go to animal husbandry gentry Kin one head side ,looked at a few eyes ,the eyes to Takahashi body ,heart thinking .
relationresultAnimal husbandry andgentry Kin One is Takahashi Masa from the nearby Japanese strongholds mobilization ,who was always performed well ,as people say is flat and cautious ,for learning is also very serious ,from the division team after the survey records ,and unlike a cruel imperialists ,but also in the twelve division training plays a considerable role ,twelve division artillery even six can successfully establish ,Makishin Kenichi can be said to be one of the hero ,Beats By Dre Free shipping day.
relationresultTakahashi JungchoWang Bao is really shocking ,so Wang Bao had to seriously ,he walked to the Takahashi are adjacent ,patted him on the shoulder ,and said: takahashi .You go freshen up, something to eat ,then sleep ,wake up someone will ask you some questions .
His mood suddenly became more severe: ,must originally have all said ,there can be no concealment, know ?!I will let the four company commander with protecting you ,teams will absolutely guarantee your safety .
, relationresultWang Bao doesnlet Takahashi is future dragon to pulse spot on confessed ,but first let the guard soldiers escorted Takahashi is to rest ,Takahashi Masano at this time active return teams ,who suspects had been washed off a large portion of .
relationresultHey ! Takahashi Masami Wang Bao ,a heavy heart moved ,nodded .relationresultOutsidesunny ,Li Wei sat in the doorway Takahashi is basking in the sun, with death magic mill with nails, lazy yawn ,sometimes bunched up her ears house movement, the pendulum has at least four dogs around .
Thirty ,elite soldiers .Even a fly flew out ,if someone storm also first to Li Wei .relationresultWhen Takahashi Masasaw Li Wei again this used to make him afraid of guy ,before can produce fear take wings to itself ,but for no reason inexplicably into gratitude and a sense of security ,secure in a bath ,changed the clothes worn ,satiate touch the pillow to sleep ,relax tight for a long time after the nerve ,the drums like protective ,this sleep ,sleep extra deep .
relationresultGaoqiao mulberry !I advise you to know the times, the Greater East Asia war empire has been hitherto unknown victory ,you don refuse to realize one ! If there is a shrill voice in the ear of a stirring among the dry bones .
relationresultKanghouse side walls of the last hole, a pair of eyes to sleep Takahashi Masa gently writhing .relationresultNo, no, you are the executioner ,are you going to Japan to hell .
Takahashi Masano naturally frowned .relationresultReally ?Have you been to the brain washing ,or to get real ,China is now the Imperial Japanese rule ,is the point the day and await for it ,if not to reduce the imperial soldiers sacrifice ,I will not leave you dog life now .
You are honest with a little ,I !Put the damn twelve team battle ,hum !You think you can escape from the rebel Liberation League imperial sanction ?! It can the sound and tightly hold the soul of Takahashi Masa .
relationresultYou have a dream, I ,I could never agree ! Takahashi Masa face was angry and determined .relationresultThen let ,you will want to die ,not so easy ,I torture you to promise now, hey ,there are a lot of ways ,you can try my skill ,you satisfied with the package .
This sound Yin sorrowful sorrowful to harbour evil designs .relationresultNo way.Takahashi Masa not only in dreams ,also in bed again unconscious say that the two words .relationresultBriefa few vague shadow ,Takahashi was asleep inside the room have dizzy spells ,to restore calm .
relationresultAfter a while,I suddenly heard Takahashi as pig like howling up : no, don !Not ,ah ! Endure great pain ,like being in the Kang screams ,twisting his body .relationresultYou,night had a dream, Kang edge wall eyes staring at a not suddenly stuck with Takahashi Masa ,not a word .
relationresultYou don let me die happy, hum !I will not let hello ! Takahashi Masa suddenly turned gloomy ,apparently being afraid to the extreme bursts never had a cold ,stooping ,hand in hold something like , !Poisonous mushroom !Used to listen to the four company commander to teach ,to see how you live .
, relationresultKangof a like the rat molars as strange laughter ,is with one ,it is evident that Takahashi Masa has backed into rabbit anxious eyes to bite .relationresultKill you ,kill you ,I you ,you die ,die ,die !Give me death ! Takahashi Masa, grimace ,closed his eyes, face is covered with vicious vicious ,holding the fist ,a blood from the tiger to spill out ,my fingers on the palm .
relationresultTakahashiwas trembling ,as if in the struggle, in pain ,and dreams of the people fight a fight at outrance .relationresultAh ! Takahashi Masa suddenly open ,was a shock from the bed up ,sit up Dakoutaikou panting ,pale ,he still cannot stop trembling ,sweating with new underwear .
relationresultEight ,eight ga ! Eyes without any focal length was staring straight into the front, Takahashi was much later to return to God ,took a few tone ,jumped down from the Kang ,wearing clothes paced back and forth in the room ,face uncertain ,mind complex walked several circle back to Kang, forced himself to lie down ,repeatedly flipped a long time to once again have dizzy spells to sleep ,sleep is not stable still is ,from time to time without conscious in a few words ,or is a nightmare woke up ,clutching his chest to back down on the bed with lingering fear of coarse ,later cannot resist the weary ,and asleep .
relationresultSixteen hours later,Takahashi are carrying a pair of black eyes appeared in twelve division team survey room ,sit square with five or six investigators ,plus a long table and chair ,put a little room was jammed some busy ,this still does not calculate the next clip indoor three inspector ,district three commander captain Wang Bao and Chen Jiayao .
relationresultIn Takahashi Masarestless sleep ,twelve division team set off the sun ran billow ,Takahashi Masa back to the herd kin one ,and say is white ,is really too shocking ,several company commander is also feeling hindbrain spoon also dare not believe what this one chance ,and bow and scrape the I-phase ,stem from the work to do life guy is a hidden enemy agent ?!It is not easy to see ,the sheep skin underneath is in how a pair be a wolf with a savage heart ,if not being in a sneaky way does give easy volume in disguise ?!Without the knowledge of the people is such a guess .
relationresultInvestigationgroup of people did not to be idle ,for Takahashi Masawa herd health a preliminary material first chance after a screening of carding ,carefully prepared .relationresultGaoqiao comrades please ! Sit in the center of the top of the top investigator nose black round glasses, very gentle hand and be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour shaped Takahashi is a handshake .
relationresultHey ! Takahashi Masa took several hours later ,the resumption of a lot of spirit ,although there is still some weakness, but also talk with strength ,his face was more .relationresultFor
experiencedinvestigators ,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday,sometimes not necessarily pass through the questioning to get their information ,can pass each other expression ,expression ,action and eyes so as to get valuable
information ,and just got back to the camp ,because of exhaustion and grief becomes hemp wood was beaten out by Takahashi Masa ,is not suitable for immediate questioning ,District captain Related articles:

