
Monster Beats this kind of enviro

Some dissimilarities:"As long as have him at, wood You the orchid can't see my one eye."

Chapter 13 cloud English wounds

Is original at the evil thing that the underground stays overnight into pass in and out of a lot of, there are occasionally also two powers very and quite goodly letting Chen Tong, Qin Huai Shui not cope with, after all oneself basically don't gain advantage on the amount, the somebody else thousands dead shortage cherishes, oneself ascend 100 people, die a little 1.
"Eastern lord in the door!"Cloud Wu Jun sees gold Cape, water a bit gradual for month to can not stand up to receive eastern cloud right away, the latter immediately orders a daughter to carefully guard against to order, then fly a body but rise a double-edged sword curl up beating of a whirlpool its never thought that at red fire evil scorpion body up, he plays aqueous level compare only 3-year-old water month how much be good friends with some, is what cloud Wu Jun can compare more not.The red fire been occupied in coping with the evil scorpion temporarily didn't notice, immediately be beaten 1 to stumble, water fire allows of no of the truth is very understand, the breeze is only to hurt himself/herself, but the Water and soil will never be what oneself hopes to see, so just chose in the high empty battle of the middle of desert, have never thought this kind of environment descend incredibly and someone can use so profound water fastens a method, What a failure!
"Gold Cape, water month under take a rest."The words of cloud English are orders, although would not like to leave a father, own condition is the most understand by himself/herself, also deceive however their eyes.The gold Cape, water month shouts at top of voice:"Caution of father!"The red fire hurtled to rush to come over the evil scorpion make an effort to send out a flash of lightning, a water pillar, 2 worked properly a monster to turn round to leave.As long as there being cloud English breaking definitely having no problem behind, they are very natural, also very the leisureliness descended to take a rest, there have own two younger sisters.
Burning with anger red fire evil scorpion Zhang Kou spews out come one regiment very black fog spirit, take thick heavy gamey smell, cloud English gets a shock to quickly block at before the body, eastern cloud's fog has already annoyed their in front to immediately and asunder open.Eastern cloud isn't to have no man of vision, know that this is the poisonous fog in the mind of the evil red fire scorpion to is some panics, this is very disadvantageous to oneself of why will cloud English be not afraid of these things?
Too late explain, cloud English fills to the bright pearl way of eastern cloud a pigeon son egg sort size:"This is to work properly the Mang bead of the Mang of monster Cape can avoid poison, wear on the body can need not fear these a hideous mess of play a skill."Do not dare hastily and leave eastern cloud nearby, make threatening gestures of red fire the evil scorpion have already right against the face rushed toward.Cloud Wu Jun has already been forced by its a regiment flame to open, now is also that the whip is long Mo and be willing to help but unable to do so.
Gold Long Bian turns to make a noodles shield quickly and beat to spread right against the face of flame and poisonous gas, eastern cloud wears the time of good Mang bead, the red fire evil scorpion has already arrived their in front, and the intensely hot breathing is very strong.Gold Long Bian in a twinkling disappears, the thunder light sword gleams the brilliance of thunder in the sky to appear in cloud English hand, and the red dragon dances in the wind cloud English to greatly drink a way:"Qian Long Guo Jiang!"The whole individual and body hurtled in the past, the strong water spiritual influence mixed numerous sword spirits, cloud English seemed to be already to become a group leader that flies a dragon dominant abnormality, certainly could not block.
"Small English don't be hard!"Eastern cloud knows to make one superiority in the mind definitely is a burst of sad, the power of this red fire evil scorpion is some excessively, 4 works properly monsters all already in succession back next, it still Long Jing Hu fiercely show off here force to spread fame.Cloud Wu Jun Wen lives a body form and brandishes a purple gold a double-edged sword, double the eyes are full is going straight to of fury red fire the evil scorpion is since then.
"Elder brother Yun!"Wood You the breath of the orchid almost stopped and looking at cloud English in the mind of aired awe-inspiring the excitement worry again again, don't know own"elder brother Yun" can enough beat of lead this damned big devil king.Chen Tong, Qin Huai Shui's facial expression is a little bit some to isn't good-looking, but the body resists oneself in the ground top and numerous evil monsters is also helpless, have never thought this guy incredibly still stay a skill.
"Bomb!"Red fire evil scorpion flame eruption, two huge pincerses mercilessly face last cloud English, take poison long long tail Ba of the needle sweep to rapid close to of cloud Wu Jun,Monster Beats.The "Qian Long Guo Jiang" and red fire of cloud English evil scorpion the collision of front side happened, one regiment was full of smog to open to hold up almost the view of owner.
"Sou" a figure distressly backs out, is exactly cloud that the hand holds a purple gold a double-edged sword Wu Jun, he mercilessly beats medium red fire the evil scorpion was bombed out by their massive explosions, this kind of power really wasn't small.
Eastern cloud is rapid of close to cloud Wu Jun concern of ask a way:"Cloud believes in a lord O.K.?What about small English?"A double-edged sword in the hand issues to repeatedly work properly dint very comfortable water of people and have never what things worked properly dint than water in the desert Be getting better.
Displeasedly shake, cloud Wu Jun Dao:"I don't know that I was blocked for a while by the tail of red fire evil scorpion, be I close to of time, they have already got in touch with face to face.The real strenght of the small English, alas, I think, should, I also not know."The face of cloud martial gentleman ascend some sorrow, the real strenght of cloud English exactly have much deep he doesn't know as well, but have he can affirm at 1:00 of be, cloud English will never be the opponent of evil red fire scorpion.This kind of is face to face of directly resist, cloud English absolutely isn't likely to have cheapness, hope
"Shout!"One regiment the huge flame flew out, red fire evil scorpion damned figure again of emergence is in the public view, however body top be not is intact to have no Sun of, closely small scar everywhere it is thus clear that, after all what it resist is a sky, dragon believes in of top-class sword method-fly Long Jian Fa.
"Be getting more regrettable, ah, a future star of way door."Chen Song doesn't know should oneself rejoice, still should feel sad.Cloud English really is that they resist a sword door to become a family status one very great bar, but is an a member of door, in this case, he doesn't hope to lose cloud English such a powerful ally as well, the power of red fire evil scorpion was really too strong, and oneself basically can not resist.
Nearby of Chen Fei but immediately jumped a way:"Cloud English died!Wood miss, you see, cloud English"come in contact with the vision of the wood You orchid iciness, there is also the time of Long Xin Yuan, Han Feng's cannibalism's look in the eyes, Chen Fei just discover to ownly rude in behavior, surroundings of the owner throw upset vision in succession.Chen Song not from get a burst of of in the mind sad, own of is the grandson how can this appearance?Is complete have no own rational and knowledge.
" The teacher is absolutely not so easy and then fails of, he is a sky, the breeze soul cloud English of Long San show inside, no one can easily vanquish him."The chilly way of Long Xin Yuan:"Teacher's wife and teacher are a rightness of made by nature, no one can separate them, you are basically unqualified to place on equal footing with them."Long Xin Yuan angries him to speak not lousy, and drool with envy to the wood You orchid, the tone weighed some, but the person of surroundings immediately approves his words.Chen Fei just of the performance is too obvious, he at way door in of the image established a while.
"Bomb!"Is huge to ring medium ray of light flicker, a figure quickly hurtle last horizon, although speed soon, overwhelming majority the superior all have already seen clear, really is cloud English to have no wrong.
"Long Xing's world!"Cloud English soars to the skies to start to fly to the evil scorpion of red fire above, the thunder light sword rows the next way thin grow narrow sword of spirit, is whole it to cover with at in, the speed can not talk, and is to launch to mount sudden attack quickly, let this thinks oneself already smooth of the devil king is some to catch unprepared.
"Elder brother Yun, elder brother Yun came out."The wood You orchid jumped a way right away:"I know that no one canned once beat elder brother Yun."It is happy that the facial expression will never be able to disguise.
Chen Fei has already started profound penitence, oneself this is to waste to do mean person, in the end and not only having never got wood You the orchid is any good will, on the contrary give so many tall persons of person of same belief leave a so bad impression, hereafter still very likely heel cloud English this real strenght arrogant guy at enmity with.
And don't say evil scorpion of red fire is how of distress, that very small figure in distance cannot helps but praising highly a way:"Long San in the sky shows indeed as expected extraordinary, the breeze soul cloud English, hope you can with longevity some, does the later program still grow.Ha ha, more and more fascinating, really have some expectation."
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